Kaole mamba ranch

    The Kaole Mamba ranch is a privately owned zoo for crocodiles that is located on the outskirts of the town of Bagamoyo - Tanzania. It also is a sanctuary and breeding place for crocodiles, with a few of them being as old as 55 years old and the youngest being just a few months old. The word 'mamba' comes from the Swahili word for crocodile, with ranch referring to the large property within which it is situated.

    What to do there?Here you can see different sizes of crocodiles, which are quite lazy creatures but this is probably the only place in the town where you can see them up close and personal. Just don't stick your hand into the enclosure unless you would like to have it amputated - by a bad surgeon. An even funnier detail is knowing that the caretaker does go into the enclosures to clean it, with the crocodiles still inside - albeit fully fed. Maybe, if you are lucky you may even get to see this happening, or the feeding itself.

    If you hang around the enclosure walls too long when they are hungry, they tend to turn and align themselves to face you. We couldn't be sure whether this is because they expect us to feed them or because they are preparing for an attack, but to err on the side of safety we decided retreat to a safe distance.

    Location of Kaole mamba ranchThe Kaole Mamba ranch is located just outside the town of Bagamoyo, in a suburb know as Kaole. The ranch compound is about a hundred metres from the indian ocean coastline and along the road to Kaole ruins, Kaole snake park and the Mbegani harbour. For more information on its location please see the map below (click to start)

    How to get there?The ranch is but a five minutes drive from the town centre of Bagamoyo, or the Old town where a number of historical sites are located. It is accessible via a road that heads south east of this area, and along the coast, with part of it being tarmac paved and the rest being an all seasons dirt road. The ranch is located on your left hand side when heading south east on this road, with a signpost denoting its location.

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