Duluti campsite

    The Duluti campsite of Arusha is a privately owned compound situated right next to lake Duluti, that offers spaces to pitch tents in for a small fee. It also offers supporting facilities such as security, toilets, an enclosed parking space along with meals (must be pre-ordered). The campsite also offers canoes for rent and is a rather amazing view point of the lake itself.

    As the reserve is a protected area, camping at any other site without permission is prohibited, particularly to keep the area clean and limit human activities. Standard fees for using the campsite are TSHS 10,000 for locals and 10 USD for non Tanzanian residents and a separate fee is normally required for renting a canoe and this is usually in the same range.

    What to do there?Camping and canoeing are the main activities done onsite and normally you are required to bring your own tent; However, almost all equipment required for canoeing is available there, including life jackets. Other functions such as weddings and barbecues can also be held there (pre booking required).

    Location of Duluti campsiteThe Duluti campsite is located on the northern banks of lake Duluti and right next to the Duluti forest country club and the Duluti forest reserve's offices. It is also about 1km away from the Moshi - Arusha highway, taking you through a short stretch of well maintained dirt roads with trees on either side before getting there. The whole lot is inside the Akheri ward of Arusha's Arumeru district. For more information on the campsite location, please see the map below (click to start).

    How to get there?The best way to get there at any time of the year would be from through the moshi - Arusha highway. There are other roads to the place, but these do get almost impassable during the rainy season. While on the highway, there is a turning point heading south at Tengeru with a lot of signpost. From, there a 2km drive should get you to the campsite and the lake itself.

    For those using public transport, you would have to drop off at the Duluti turning point (ask the conductor), then take a taxi from there or walk. Local tours and travels companies may also provide transport to the place albeit at a higher price.

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