Sammy Marks house museum

 Sammy Marks House museum of  Pretoria as seen from gardens at its front <sup>1</sup>

Sammy Marks House museum of Pretoria as seen from gardens at its front 1
A large two-storey, Victorian era mansion that was once the residence of Sammy Marks — a famous South African industrialist and financier.

It was built gradually from 1884 — a long house with rooms on either side of a corridor, and named Zwartkoppies after the black stones found in the field around it.

The house was once part of a 773 hectare farm that Marks purchased in 1882, though at the time only an L-shaped farmhouse existed — made of clay walls and a grass thatched roof.

Today, it is a museum with much of the original furniture and items that belonged to the Mark's family — items typical of a wealthy Victorian era household and some imported from overseas.

The house remained intact largely due to Sammy Mark's will which prohibited its sale, though it had to be renovated before its use as a museum.

What to do thereExplore the museum, sight seeing, learn more about Sammy Marks and the lifestyle of a wealthy Victorian era family in South Africa.

Best time to visitAny time of the year.

Location of Sammy Marks house museumIn eastern Pretoria — surrounded by trees nature and gardens.

How to get thereBy vehicle, cycling, walking, taxi.

There is an airport and train station, some distance away in the city.

References1. By Cvanrooyen - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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