Augrabies falls national park

Augrabies falls national park,  rocky landscape near the waterfalls and Orange river canyon<sup>1</sup>

Augrabies falls national park, rocky landscape near the waterfalls and Orange river canyon1
One of South Africa's national parks — home to the Augrabies waterfalls, as well as a scenic rocky landscape and gorge.

It covers an area of about 800 square kilometres.

What to do thereGame drives, hiking, bird watching, game viewing, picnics

Location of Augrabies falls national parkIt sits on the Northwestern end of the country, partially bordered by Namibia to the North west, and the orange river to its north.

The same orange river also goes through its eastern end — where the Augrabies waterfalls are.

It also is within the Kalahari basin, just a few kilometers south of the Kalahari desert.

How to get thereBy air, or road.

The nearest train station is a bit further out.

References1.By South African Tourism from South Africa - Augrabies Falls National Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, CC BY 2.0,

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