Lake paradise campsite

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A grassy clearing amidst trees, near the shores of lake Paradise — Marsabit national park.

It is a special campsite with no facilities, usually requiring the company of a park ranger when camping.

All campers have to bring their own food, water and camping equipment.

What to do thereCamping, barbecues, game viewing, hiking, picnics, bird watching.

There's a large number of water birds to see here, as well as the occasional buffalo, elephant or other herbivores.

A pair of binoculars may come in handy.

Best time to visitThe dry season, usually July to October.

Location of Lake paradise campsitelake Paradise campsite sits in Gof sokorte Guda, at the heart of Marsabit national park.

It also is near lake Paradise — at the edge of the forest that lines the crater's sides.

How to get thereBy vehicle or hiking, with the latter requiring an armed ranger's escort.

4x4s are usually recommended due to the mountain terrain, and muddy roads when it rains.

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